The Death of General Wolfe

by Benjamin West
The Death of General Wolfe
Benjamin West
Digital Art - Digital Reproduction
Benjamin West, born October 10, 1738 in Pennsylvania, a painter of historic and religious subjects, including King George III of England. One of his most famous works "The Death of General Wolfe" was notable for its realistic use of modern dress.
West depicts General Wolfe as a Christ-like figure. This painting has a triangular composition, made by the top of the flag and the positions of the men. It resembles Christian "Lamentation" scenes, where Christ is held in the embrace of the Virgin Mary.
The depiction of the Native American warrior in the painting kneeling with his chin on his fist, looking at General Wolfe has been analyzed in various ways. In art, the touching of one's face with one's hand is a sign of deep thought and intelligence (thus Rodin's The Thinker). Some consider it an idealization inspired by the noble savage concept.
We have hundreds of image by the Old Masters and the not so old. If you are looking for a image email me at floyd@FrameHouseGallery.com
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December 9th, 2012